Dear St. John the Baptist Families, In the following guidance from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Order, St. John the Baptist school seeks to reopen our schools to grade transitional kindergarten through 2nd grade. We plan to lower the risk of contagion from Covid-19, while promoting the development of our students academically, emotionally, socially, and most importantly, spiritually. In partnership with our parents, we know that we can safely provide on-campus instruction. The Department of Catholic Schools and the Department of Public Health Order have outlined guidelines and procedures so that we can provide a safe environment for our students. We are currently planning to apply for the waiver to open for in-person learning for grades transitional kindergarten through second grade. We believe the benefits of in-person school to support the social, emotional, physical, spiritual and academic development of our students. We also understand the fluidity of our situation and will continue to monitor and make necessary adjustments for the safety and well-being of our St. John the Baptist School community. Since parents are the primary educators of their children, we understand that some families will want their children to continue with remote learning. Below, we have outlined the measures and precautions we are planning to ensure we can provide a safe environment for students, staff, and families to reduce the potential spread of the virus. ² Institution Name: St. John the Baptist School Address: 3870 Stewart Ave. Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Maximum Occupancy, per Fire Code: 700 Approximate total square footage of space open to faculty and students: 62,400 ft² Estimated total number of administrators, teachers, and other employees that will be returning to support resumption of all permitted in person services for students: 11 total Estimated total number of students that will return per grade: TK: 6 K: 12 1st: 19 2nd: 12 School Schedule: 7:30am-8:30am- Arrival of Students 8:30am-2:00pm - In- class learning A. WORKPLACE POLICIES AND PRACTICES TO PROTECT STAFF (“EMPLOYEES”) AND STUDENTS
1. We have a Task Force of parents and teachers that are responsible for establishing and ensuring that staff and students receive education about Covid-19. Sr. Rosario is our designated liaison to the Department of Public Health.
2. If a staff member or student is found with symptoms or test positive for the virus symptoms, we will send faculty home promptly to self-isolate. Students will be placed in the health room away from other students until they are picked up by a parent or guardian. 3. School Exposure Management Plan: a. Students, staff, or other adults on campus that display symptoms of Covid-19 will be isolated and sent home. i. Temperature of 99.5 degrees or higher ii. Sore throat iii. New uncontrollable coughing that causes difficulty breathing. iv. Diarrhea and or vomiting v. Abdominal pain vi. Onset of a severe headache especially with fever. vii. New loss of taste and smell viii. Students, staff, and volunteers/visitors who test negative can return to school 3 days after symptoms resolve. b. If a student or staff member has been exposed to someone outside of school who has tested positive for Covid-19, the student or staff member must quarantine at home for 2-weeks, shifting to remote learning from home. i. It is expected that if a student or staff member has been exposed or has tested positively for Covid-19, the administration must be notified immediately. c. If someone in the school (student or staff member) tests positive for covid-19, their entire cohort must quarantine at home for 2 weeks, shifting to whole class remote learning. i. All guidelines for informing the Department of Catholic Schools and the Public Health Department will be followed. ii. Parents will receive a letter informing them that someone in their child’s cohort has tested positive for covid-19, however due to HIPAA regulations, families will not be informed of the identity of that person. d. Students and/or staff members who test positive for covid-19 will not be able to return to school until they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation, including 24 hours with no fever. e, Testing of Staff and Students: i. All teachers will be tested within 7 days of the first day on campus. ii. The staff will be given a list of local sites and the administration will follow up with staff to document testing information. iii. Each staff member will be tested every two months. iv. When a student or staff member exhibits covid-19 symptom, the student or staff member will be sent home immediately and testing will be recommended. v. All surveillance testing will be reported to the Department of Public Health. f. Staff will be told not to come to work if sick or if they have been exposed to a person who has covid-19. g. The school will be sanitized at the end of the day and no other non-school activities will be allowed in the school facilities. h. Employees will be screened and temperature taken at the beginning of their shift before they enter the school building. Check-ins include concerning cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and fever or chills and if the employee has had contact with a person known to be infected in the last 14 days. i. All parents will drop students off while in their car as they go through the carline. Students will be screened before they leave their car. Parents will not be allowed to come into campus. Office visits will be by appointment. Visitors that come to the front office will be required to wear a mask. j. All Staff will be required to wear a face covering that covers the nose and mouth or a face shield with a drape on the bottom of the edge, that is compliant with State directives. i. Staff or volunteers that are working the Health Room will be required to wear medical grade masks. ii. Students that cannot wear masks will be given a face shield. Parents will be asked to pack an extra mask in case the one the student is wearing gets soiled. Teachers will also have extra masks in the classroom. k. Employees will be instructed to wash face coverings daily and parents will be instructed to have clean face coverings. l. Teacher desks and student desks will be spaced at least 6 feet apart. When desk barriers are used, students desks will be spaced 3 ft. apart. m. Staff will be provided with PPE to clean and disinfect. Students will clean their own desks before leaving at the end of the school day while being supervised by their teachers.
n. Cleaning of classrooms with the electric sprayer will be done at the end of the day when students and staff have left the building. o. Disinfectant and related supplies are available in the STREAM Classroom (not being used by students) and the janitorial closet. p. Hand sanitizer is available in all classrooms, offices, Health Room, Faculty Room and Entrances to school buildings. q. Water Fountains will not be accessible to students. Students will need to bring their own water bottles. r. Soap and water is available in all bathrooms, Health Room, and Faculty Lounge. s. Each teacher is supplied with extra masks, touchless hand sanitizer, sanitizer wipes, paper towels, and an electric spray disinfectant. All teachers also have their own laptops and supplies while students also have their own supplies. There will be no sharing of any materials in the classroom. B. MEASURES TO ENSURE PHYSICAL DISTANCING BY STAFF, STUDENTS AND VISITORS
1. Screening will be conducted before the students enter the building and parents leave the school campus. Screenings for staff or other visitors will be conducted before they enter the school building. 2. Screenings will include a temperature check and questions that will be printed on a card. Screeners will use the card to ask check in questions concerning cough, shortness of breath, experience of fever and any other symptoms they may be experiencing. They also will be asked if they have been in close contact with anyone at home, school or elsewhere that the individual has been told has tested positive for COVID- 19. a. Adult visitors and staff who screen positive at entry or who report symptoms at any point during the school day will be sent home to self-isolate as required by the Health Officer Order of July 1, 2020. b. Students who screen positive at entry will not be allowed in the school building and will return home with the parent/guardian that brought them to school to self-isolate. Those students who report symptoms at any point during the day will be given a surgical mask and sent to the Health Room where they can remain until a parent or guardian picks them up. If the Health Room is occupied with another student, they will be placed in another space with an adult supervisor until a parent or guardian picks them up. c. Adult visitors and Staff who have had close contact with an individual who has screened positive will be asked to go home to self-quarantine as required by Health Officer Order of July 1, 2020, until such time as it has been determined that the individual screening positive for COVID-19 symptoms is negative for COVID-19. d. Students who have had close contact with an individual who has screened positive for COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to go home to self quarantine. If this is determined while a student is already on campus, the student will be accompanied to a preselected quarantine space where they can remain until parents/guardians pick them up to go home. This space is set apart from the Health Room. Once they return home, they will be instructed to self quarantine as required by Health Officer Order of July 1, 2020, until such time as it has been determined that the individual screening positive for COVID-19 symptoms is negative for COVID-19. 3. Visits by parents will be discouraged unless doing business with the front office. Visitors must wear a mask and social distance by standing 6 ft. apart. Visitors will not be allowed in or near the classrooms. 4. Other visitors other than parents will be very limited and by appointment only. 5. Signage will be posted around campus to remind students, staff and visitors to reinforce the proper use of masks and social distancing. 6. Staff and students will be given frequent opportunities to wash their hands such as after recess, before and after lunch. Cohorts from different classes will not be allowed in the bathroom at the same time and staff will clean the bathrooms after their cohort has used the restrooms. D. MEASURES THAT COMMUNICATE TO THE CAMPUS
COMMUNITY AND THE PUBLIC 1. The reopening plan of St. John the Baptist School was first published and shared with faculty and staff on July 13, 2020. The faculty and staff continue to be trained in the details of this reopening plan as we planned for the school year and re-opening for in-person in August 2020. As this plan is updated and modified, all members of the community will be notified and trained accordingly. A parent meeting was held to discuss the details of the plan, hear feedback and input as well as answer questions to the school community. We will continue to share all information on our website and SchoolSpeak to ensure we can help to mitigate and reduce the spread on covid-19. E. MEASURES THAT ENSURE EQUITABLE ACCESS TO CRITICALSERVICES
God Bless,
Sr. Rosario Mediavilla, Principal (626)337-1421 October 27, 2020
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